Step (1.), ONE
Step (2.), Two
Step (3.), Three
Step (4.), Four
Step (5.), Five
Step (6.), Six
Step (7.), Seven
Step (8.), Eight
Step (9.), Nine
Step (10), Ten
Step (11), Eleven
Step (12), Twelve
Bible Verses for People in Recovery
Smoking & Addiction
The Emotional Dimension of Recovery
Q & A
.The Inner Stregnths
Steps of Denial
The Lives we Lived
Made Amends
Like Others
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under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
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admitted we were powerless over alcohol ... that our lives had
become unmanageable.
know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it
out." (Romans 7:18)
one is the beginning of a greater life, a cliché "A
journey starts with the first step." I have always
liked that cliché because it covers a span of
possibilities, I mean think of that! can that one statement not
be applied to so many areas of our life at some point or another? The
most exciting part of recovery is those who seek a faith
based process in which to build the foundation of their
recovery great hope in making that choice. Addiction
to chemical substances disrupts all facets of a person's life: the
physical body, the psychological and spiritual self and social
relations. All of these areas require attention in the process of
recovery. Open-mindedness is
another quality that must be practiced to remain clean and sober.
Being open-minded unlocks the doors to success. We become tolerant
and inclined to absorb all ideas, thoughts, behaviors, and actions
that will bring us growth in our recovery. Being open-minded means
being receptive of suggestions that can elevate us to a different
realm. Being lenient and easygoing during our journey will allow us
to adhere to the principles that will enhance our ability to remain
clean and sober. Being open-minded means that we are accepting
towards anything that will promote our new, healthy way of living.
Open-mindedness is important in the process of change and positive
growth. Once we become open-minded, it is necessary that we acquire
the willingness to act upon the positive influences that we
encounter. To obtain willingness is to be favorably disposed in mind;
to be ready, and prompt to do the necessary tasks to enhance our
well-being. As we contain the willingness, and desire for change in
order for us to follow through in action to achieve positive change.
We must not be reluctant, but eager and without delay to do what is
necessary to remain in recovery. With enthusiasm we venture into the
realm of life, and all that it entails. Another positive attribute of
Step 1 is the process of acceptance. With a consenting mind we step
forward, unafraid of failure, but courageous in nature. We receive
with favor the many facets of our disease. We come to understand that
we are addicts and learn about our disease, knowing that we have the
ability to make the required changes that are necessary to move
onward in our recovery. We learn to adjust and coexist with reality.
We endure the trails we encounter, always remaining in hopeful
expectancy and anticipation that good will prevail. Remaining
long-suffering and uncomplaining we march on, ready to battle the
perils of life, while armored with the spiritual principles of the 12
Step program. first and foremost we start taking one day at a time
focused on our desire to make our day clean and sober and eager to
establish or reestablish our relationship with God who loves us so
very much. Remember
we are always here you can call upon us any
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Serenity Prayer:Click the
picture a great Singer,
Serenity Prayer /\ Click the picture a great Singer,
St. Francis Prayer: Click the picture
one great band
St. Francis Prayer
/\ Click the picture one great band
Hope you like these common "Prayers," I know they
have made huge changes in my life as helped me to keep God focused. This site, These are just sections from papers over the
years, I have been doing this since 1985 when I was the Spiritual Advisor for a center and the development director
for another over the years. I learned that recovery can take on a great number of faces for different people. Although,
one thing I have always believed is Faith Based Recovery has an indwelling success rate unlike any other form. However, I
talk to people all over the world and meet people who's belief system in not as mine, we do not judge people, we do not categorize people
in little groups, what is important is your recovery regardless of your sex, religion, or national origin. Sure it would be
nice to know that everyone was in a personal relationship with The God our Savior Creator and Salvation, this site is meant
to help you establish, (If you have not done so already), and or keep a strong recovery life daily. A tool. I have been greatly blessed, in that, God has opened doors in other countries
around the world for us. Many of you know already, for those that do not, I have a disc & Nerve disease, it is real hard
for me just to be able to do what normal people do everyday, I say this to say that, it may take me some time but I usually
get around to getting things done. I do write for more than one on-line site, if you don't see activity here does not mean
that I will not get around to posting papers, there are time when I get stuck in bed for periods. This site is meant for you... You matter, don't let anyone ever lead you
to believe differently. God made you unlike anyone else, even though we kind-of look similar to others, there are
very many great things about us God made just for us / in us.. Remember that! And Live accordingly. :) :)