Serenity Unveiled

Step (12), Twelve

Step (1.), ONE
Step (2.), Two
Step (3.), Three
Step (4.), Four
Step (5.), Five
Step (6.), Six
Step (7.), Seven
Step (8.), Eight
Step (9.), Nine
Step (10), Ten
Step (11), Eleven
Step (12), Twelve
Bible Verses for People in Recovery
Smoking & Addiction
The Emotional Dimension of Recovery
Q & A
.The Inner Stregnths
Steps of Denial
The Lives we Lived
Made Amends
Like Others
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Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and practice these principles in all our affairs.

"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
(Galatians 6:1-2)

**The words of Christ  

The 12th step is about living a new life and giving back to the community that has helped us achieve sobriety and a new life. This is cultivating the virtue of charity. You share your experience with those who have not yet found the road. You guide them along the path. You reach out for those who are still suffering.

Certainly charity is a strong tradition in most spiritual practices. What is this way of life if we do not help others who seek it and need our insight and guidance? This is not about proselytizing. It is about giving a hand up to those who reach up to be helped. We do not run around trying to push our program on others. Through our example in leading lives infinitely better and more productive than we once lived, those who need the program will be attracted to our way of life and may ask how we did it. We make sure we never turn our back on those in need of recovery who truly want it.

"It feels good to see a young people, for me, those scared and confused by the road their addiction has taken them. To watch them transform over time has a huge impact on me. I attended marriages this year of people that would have never stayed together had their lives continued on the road they were traveling. Whenever I take a newcomer under my wings, it reminds me of where I was and how far I've come. It reminds me of the miracle of recovery." James K.

I practice these spiritual principles in every area of my life. Emotionally, sexually, financial, workplace, home, meeting room. I try my best. I tried one time, to try and save the world. My intentions were honorable, but I burnt out. So, today I would sooner do good, than bad. Today I would sooner kiss someone’s feet, rather than fight them.

I owe my life to my God and my sponsor who took me through the steps. He puts a lot of effort into passing the 12 steps message, he accepts life, at life’s terms, and in doing so, has peace of mind.

There are many ways for us to spread the message of hope to other Alcoholics & addicts. When we become secure in our own recovery from working the previous Steps, a very good way to give back to the program is to become a sponsor. A sponsor in the 12 Step program passes on all the knowledge, strength, understanding, and awareness that they've acquired to help their sponsee's on their journey. A sponsor will assist them and support them on their path. Sponsors provide comfort, security, care, suggestions, personal experience, guidance, support, and we listen to them as they share about their personal challenges and difficulties, both the good and the bad ones. We encourage them and give them confidence and strength to assist them in overcoming the challenges they encounter. Sponsors help them work the 12 Steps, give them assignments, take them to meetings, etc.... We are there for them in every way, and make sure for them to know that important fact.

Another great way to spread the message is to share and open up at meetings. As we share at the meetings about our experience, strength, and hope, we gain the opportunity for other addicts to realize that they too can achieve victory in their own recovery. Sharing is a great tool for other addicts in the program. We become totally honest and open about our experience, so other addicts can become aware of the tools that they can use to overcome their challenges. Newcomers see our current state, and come to realize that they can reach a new level of success as well. We take extra time with other addicts, and show love and comfort them on their journey. It is truly a great and uplifting experience. Nothing compares to living life with love and respect for others. The 12 Step program has survived this long as a proven course of recovery because of all the hard work and time that we all put into it. What could be better than saving peoples lives? I know that if it wasn’t for the great 12 Step Fellowship, then I'd probably be dead, withering away into oblivion. For that, I am forever thankful to the 12 Step Fellowship. Thank you for allowing me to be of service, and it has been an uplifting and fruitful adventure. You too, can achieve this great feeling by working an active 12th Step to spread the message of experience, strength, and hope to other Alcoholics & Addicts in the program. Take care and good luck on your journey.

Remember we are always here You can contact us

323-907-8212 (cell)


Serenity Unveiled is a division of Better Tomorrows

Serenity Unveiled (Recovery site)



Better Tomorrows

Serenity Prayer:
Click the picture a great Singer, 


Serenity Prayer  /\
Click the picture a great Singer, 


St. Francis Prayer:
Click the picture one great band


St. Francis Prayer /\
Click the picture one great band

Hope you like these common "Prayers," I know they have made huge changes in my life as helped me to keep God focused. This site, These are just sections from papers over the years, I have been doing this since 1985 when I was the Spiritual Advisor for a center and the development director for another over the years. I learned that recovery can take on a great number of faces for different people. Although, one thing I have always believed is Faith Based Recovery has an indwelling success rate unlike any other form. However, I talk to people all over the world and meet people who's belief system in not as mine, we do not judge people, we do not categorize people in little groups, what is important is your recovery regardless of your sex, religion, or national origin. Sure it would be nice to know that everyone was in a personal relationship with The God our Savior Creator and Salvation, this site is meant to help you establish, (If you have not done so already), and or keep a strong recovery life daily. A tool. I have been greatly blessed, in that, God has opened doors in other countries around the world for us. Many of you know already, for those that do not, I have a disc & Nerve disease, it is real hard for me just to be able to do what normal people do everyday, I say this to say that, it may take me some time but I usually get around to getting things done. I do write for more than one on-line site, if you don't see activity here does not mean that I will not get around to posting papers, there are time when I get stuck in bed for periods.
This site is meant for you... You matter, don't let anyone ever lead you to believe differently. God made you unlike anyone else, even though we kind-of look similar to others, there are very many great things about us God made just for us / in us.. Remember that! And Live accordingly. :) :)