Major Causes of Relapse
Major Causes of Relapse
• Denial
- inability to accept that one is indeed addicted to alcohol and/or
drugs and that it is a primary cause of life problems.
See Steps of Denial on the home page
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• Post
Acute Withdrawal Syndrome- inability to cope with a set of very
stressful, physiologically-based symptoms that occur only after use
of alcohol and drugs has stopped
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• Emotional
Dysfunction - inability to cope with feelings such as grief,
depression, stress, fear, etc., without mind altering
to cope
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• Relational
Dysfunction - inability to develop and maintain healthy relationships
with others.
• Temptation -
inability to deal with the issue of sin in one's life.
• Dishonesty - the
inability to maintain a commitment to rigorous honesty which is the
foundation of a life of recovery.
Some Relapse Prevention
1. Spiritual Activities
- Worship, prayer, Bible Study, and scripture memory all equip the
person new to sobriety to overcome temptation and live a life that
is pleasing to God. One especially important area where they need
special help is in learning how to form healthy relationship and
avoid destructive ones. Unhealthy relationships, especially of the
romantic sort, are one of the biggest causes of relapse. Teaching
about godly relationships, even in the sexual area, helps them to
avoid getting caught up with people that are not good for them.
2, Take Relapse
Seriously - It must be clearly understood that use of alcohol or
drugs results in immediate dismissal from the program. This could
mean simply being asked to leave the facility, demotion to
"transient" status or referral to another program. After
thirty days, the client can be reassessed for reentry to the program.
The worst possible situation is to give them the impression that
everyone has at least one drunk "in the bank." We can be
assured that they will use it!
3 Addiction Education -
Gaining more knowledge about addiction serves two very important
functions. It helps the addict in denial accept his condition. And,
this knowledge can be a tremendous source of comfort and reassurance
for those struggling with post acute withdrawal symptoms and the
emotional difficulties that come with early recovery. Newly sober
addicts need to understand that they are suffering from a malady that
is shared by others. It also gives hope that change is possible.
Many resources are available: lending libraries, literature, videos,
and local professionals who can speak at the mission. Contact AA for
information on educational resources for use in a mission setting.
4 One on One Counseling
- Every participant in a long-term program needs at least one hour a
week with a staff member who understands addiction to help them
through the struggles of early recovery. Relapse is a process -- no
one is working a solid program of recovery one day and drunk the
next. Therefore, one very important goal of these sessions is to
help them to recognize their relapse patterns and learn interrupt
them before the process leads to actual use.
5 Support Groups - Good
support groups provide recovering addicts with find a safe,
non-judgmental setting to share their struggles, thoughts, and
feelings without fear of rejection. Hearing the stories of others
with similar difficulties and how they overcame them provides real
encouragement to go on in a life of sobriety. Because addiction
wreaks havoc upon an individual's relationships with others, support
groups are also a great place to begin the difficult and painful
process of re-connecting with other people. (find Christian Support
Programs / groups in your area)